
Our investment desk manages the bank's liquid asset buffer to optimize the return of investment. The desk invests surplus capital and liquidity, within capital constraints and targets. The desk helps to diversify the bank's investment avenues and opportunities and generate alternate sources of revenue. It looks after investment in capital market through investment in:

Applying fundamental and technical analysis alongside risk analysis to determine the best stocks to invest in. Manages the capital market portfolio while applying risk management techniques.

Treasury Bonds

  • Available tenors are: 2 Years, 5 Years, 10 years, 15 Years and 20 years
  • Investment based on SLR requirement and forecast of the market interest rate to maximize yield

Corporate bonds:

  • Typically these are subordinate bonds issued by other banks and corporate
  • Usual tenor ranges from 5 years to 7 years
  • Investment based on attractive yield and market forecast
  • Helps to maximize the average investment yield.

Investment desk also looks after investment in

  • Preference Shares
  • Mutual Funds
  • Zero Coupon Bonds
  • Debentures

Investment desk also provides the following services:

  • Consultancy services including market outlook and current market information
  • Mark to market valuation of investors' bills/bonds portfolio, if required
  • Liquidity to sell bills/bonds as and when required
  • Efficient process management of transaction execution
  • Providing Investors' portfolio summary, as and when required

Interested in getting in touch with our investment desk?

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +88028801255-61

ForEx Rates

Sun, Sep 15, 2024 10:03 AM

Currency Buying Selling
USD 119.0000 120.0000
EUR 131.5273 135.4114
GBP 155.8235 160.4550
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